"GPTZero Raises $10M to Enhance AI Content Detection and Responsible Adoption"
GPTZero Raises $10M in Series A Funding
GPTZero raises $10M in Series A Funding
GPTZero (Linkedin), a leading platform for AI-generated content detection and responsible AI adoption, has secured $10M in Series A funding. With a focus on empowering individuals to define and measure AI applications, GPTZero is poised to revolutionize the interaction between humans and AI.
Funding Amount: $10 million
Industry: Software Development
Employee Count: 11-50
CEO: Edward Tian (CEO Linkedin)
What GPTZero needs to buy: GPTZero is seeking partnerships with AI companies, developers, organizations implementing AI, and educational institutions. Companies specializing in technology development, editor platform enhancement, and marketing and sales support can collaborate with GPTZero to advance their core technologies, improve their editor platform, and effectively reach their target market for responsible AI adoption.